Newsletter - So... I'm writing a book. Impact Over Noise

Newsletter - So... I'm writing a book. Impact Over Noise

Shannon Duncan Shannon Duncan
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Newsletter - So... I'm writing a book!

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Leadership Evolution Study

Calling all Leaders!!! I am working on a Research Study called the "Leadership Evolution Matrix." I've already had a few conversations, but I am looking for more. 

Would you mind sharing your experiences and helping contribute to the study? It's completely confidential and interactive, and so far, all participants have had a lot of fun.

👇 See the following Embedded LinkedIn Post for Details! 👇

Heads Up - Name Change Coming!

The newsletter will be changing its name to Impact Over Noise soon. The reason is just below!

So, I'm writing a book about Noise and Impact.

A while ago, I started organizing my ideas about what I have learned, observed, and experienced through Leadership Challenges and Crucibles. Initially, I referred to this as "Quiet Leadership," but upon further research, I discovered that the term was already taken and not quite in line with my intended direction.

Where am I headed? I have organized my ideas and created a Leadership Development Framework, which I am referring to as an Impact Development Framework. Its name is straightforward, yet it embodies the legacy of past leaders, diligent workers, influential individuals, and game changers.

Its name is simply: Impact Over Noise

Or as I like to call it sometimes: The ION Framework

In a world full of scarcity, everything seems to be in short supply, be it resources, budget, time, relationships, or other things. The only thing that isn't scarce is problems. Every day, for every leader, for every individual, there is a lot of noise to sift through. 

How do we know that we are not adding to the noise and creating more problems instead of bringing impact?

There are a few questions that come to mind when we try to understand why some leaders have more influence in organizations, why some people are heard while others are ignored, dismissed, or deprioritized, why certain people have a greater presence in the room even if they are not the main voice, and why some teams, leaders, and individuals are achieving success while others fail to bring any impact or value.

The answer to these questions is those people find Impact Over Noise. 

  • They don't bring problems, they bring solutions.
  • They don't drive toward self-success, they drive toward team success.
  • They don't spend time spinning on the Noise, they escape it, and find the real challenge to deliver impact.
  • They work with the assets that are available, only asking for more when it is absolutely necessary and brings the most value.

These people are heard more than others out of the respect and trust they build. Their teams deliver better, focused on value-driven tasks, reducing waste of time and resources. Their peers have a shared vision that strengthens unity and motivation. 

So, how can we find the Impact Over Noise?

  1. First and foremost, we need to realize that everyone can be a leader, regardless of whether we have people reporting to us or are individual contributors working alongside others on the team. We can have a positive impact on ourselves and those around us, and this can have a profound impact on the outcome.
  2. We must understand one of the biggest causes of Noise. The Drama Triangle.
  3. We must adopt a posture of being unoffendable, with abundant forgiveness and humility.
  4. We take ownership to cut through the noise in an instant.
  5. We take action by evaluating the situation objectively through Emotional Detachment, a technique similar to compassionate detachment that doctors use. We prioritize what is crucial and value-adding, put a plan together, and execute it, knowing that plans never go as planned. Throughout the process, we maintain the right level of communication, both up and down and across the team, bringing others along and collaboratively working towards success.

This... This is what I'm distilling into a book. I've read numerous self-development and leadership books, as well as gained insights from coaching, advising, and leading. Through this experience, I have developed a strong viewpoint on the subject. While many of the leadership books touch on the matter in various ways, the key takeaway is the concept of 'Impact Over Noise' - promoting positive impact rather than contributing to the noise.

I'll do my best to make the book better than a blog post, and not another "Could have been a blog post" book. With real scenarios, real problems, real steps, and a real referenceable knowledge base. 

I don't know how long it will take me to write it, but it's stated and I'm not turning back.

ION isn't just a framework, it's a mindset. By adopting the principles and methodology of ION, leaders can elevate their performance, influence, and value to the organization. So the next time you're faced with a challenge, ask yourself: "Is this Impact or is it Noise?" Then act accordingly.

Till next time... ✌️

Further Reading

Today, we talked about the Leadership Evolution Matrix study I am working on as well as the book I am writing. I would love to hear from you on what was most helpful for you in this article.

âť“ What did you find most beneficial for you in this article? Let me know in an email or a DM on LinkedIn

If you'd like to do more reading, I'd love to recommend the following book.

And Finally,

📨 I'm on a journey to help Organizations and the People in them be more effective. Helping them to identify their challenges, understand what is in their way, and navigate transitions. If that resonates with you, I'd love to have a confidential one-on-one with you. Reach out to me via email at [email protected] or DM on LinkedIn.

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